First United Methodist Church of Marion, SC
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
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Salkehatchie Summer Service is a pioneering servant ministry at selected sites in South Carolina involving high school and college age youth, adult community leaders and persons of different cultures in upgrading housing, motivating community cooperative efforts by helping persons to help themselves, and providing all participants with opportunities for personal growth and service. 



Salkehatchie Summer Service is for high school and college age youth drawn primarily from the South Carolina United Methodist Conference. Participants must be at least 14 years old by the beginning of the camp they attend. Adult leaders are also needed to offer guidance and support. 


This program of the South Carolina Conference Board of Global Ministries consists of a number of work camps for United Methodist Youth in South Carolina. During the week participants physically improve homes of needy families and reach out to these families and one another in friendship.


There will be over fifty camps. The Salkehatchie Steering Committee establishes camps where need, opportunity, personnel and facilities meet.


Each camp runs from Saturday to Saturday. Camps are offered from May through August.


Many of our neighbors in South Carolina live in homes needing repair and Jesus has called us to love our neighbor (Luke 10:29-37). South Carolina United Methodist Youth need to experience Christian servanthood. “And he said to all, ‘If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’ ” (Luke 9:23)

How Much?

There is a $200 fee per person. Each volunteer participates fully in the experience of serving, growing, learning and sharing together.

How Can I Help?

  • Volunteer - Youth willing to work and adults with skills to share are needed.
  • Donate Supplies - Lumber, paint, caulking, plywood, linoleum, paneling, nails, etc. may be brought to individual camps.
Financial Support - Cash contributions are needed and appreciated. Registration fees and conference benevolences do not cover all of our costs.